Re-Entry Program

Re-entry work refers to the range of services and support provided to individuals as they transition from incarceration back into society. This critical phase, often referred to as the re-entry period, involves preparing incarcerated individuals for release and offering assistance after they exit the correctional system to help them reintegrate successfully.


  1. Conflict Resolution Training: At two Oriana House facilities, CMC provides specialized training in Conflict Resolution for individuals who are incarcerated. This training equips participants with vital life skills that not only help them navigate the challenges of incarceration but also prepare them for reentry into society. By learning how to effectively manage and resolve conflicts, individuals are better positioned to build healthier relationships and make informed decisions both during their incarceration and after their release.

  2. Mediation Services: CMC also plays a crucial role in mediating conflicts that arise within Oriana House facilities. These mediations address disputes between incarcerated individuals and between incarcerated individuals and staff. By facilitating open communication and fostering mutual understanding, CMC helps to create a less harmful environment within the facilities, which can reduce tension and promote a smoother reentry process.


CMC’s re-entry services are a vital part of the support system for incarcerated individuals, helping them develop the skills and resilience needed to overcome obstacles and achieve lasting success after incarceration.


Contact us for more information.